A hybrid of fiction and non-fiction, includes the short story and the screenplay adaptation, plus photos of film and an act of TV pilot script. Learn how Gena Ellis became a screenwriter and the behind the scenes of how the short story set in West Virginia became an award-winning Australian film. Perfect for film fans who want behind the scenes. Also for film students and used in university settings along with the film.
While ordering breakfast after a difficult drug detox in a hotel room in Savannah, a man discovers his new beginning in life on the back of a local teabag and in a plant rarely grown in the U.S but produces the second most popular beverage in the world. After visiting the tea farm in Charleston, he decides to transform his family’s cattle farm into a tea farm with his partner. Transformation of himself and the farm, after many setbacks and learning curves, results in global attention and awards, including chosen to sell his tea at a prestigious and historic shop in London and at a trendy tea shop in the U.S. Adapted screenplay in progress.
Sometimes you never know what shape your stories will take. I never planned on writing someone else’s memoir but best plans are no plans. My work-in-progress took me to Mississippi, Hawai’i, Savannah and other locations where I spent time with Jason, Timmy and wonderful tea folks. I’ll be blogging about this upcoming book. My published book was modeled after the behind-scenes film books that include the published screenplay.
I'll be in touch as soon as I can!